Our Office
In 2008, the Province of Nova Scotia amended the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter to add the requirement for Halifax Regional Council to appoint an Auditor General. HRM appointed its first Auditor General, Larry Munroe, FCPA, FCA, in September 2009.
The Municipal Auditor General is appointed for a seven-year term.
Evangeline Colman-Sadd, CPA, CA, then started her term as Auditor General in October 2016.
Andrew Atherton, CPA, CA current Auditor General, started his term, in December 2023.
The Auditor General has the authority to examine accounts, procedures and programs of the Municipality, as well as any Municipal Board or Commission, or any person or agency receiving a grant from the Municipality. The role, description and authority of the Auditor General are found within the HRM Charter, Sections 49 to 54.